Connectivity Accreditation Overview

Additional information regarding technical accreditation will be published in subsequent documentation, as per the Documentation Release Plan.

Connectivity Accreditation


Connectivity accreditation requires software providers to demonstrate secure connectivity and resilience.

Connectivity accreditation scripts to support these activities will be made available in a subsequent release.


The objectives to demonstrate secure connectivity and resilience are set out in the below table by connectivity channel into CSP.


Secure Connectivity


Ledger API

Establish secure connection to node (including  acquisition of authorisation token from ASX IAM)

Successfully submit DAML commands (an ISO 20022 equivalent) and receive output

Successfully handle authorisation token expiration

Successfully disconnect

  • User initiated

  • ASX initiated

Recover without command or data loss after an unexpected link disconnection while submitting commands and receiving output

Successful detection and management of duplicate output

Recover from node loss (and subsequent restoration)

Successful management of ledger time-out

Successful management of ledger back pressure as per indicators 


Establish secure connection to AMQP brokers IP/port

Establish sessions to input and output queue(s)

Successfully send / receive an ISO 20022 XML message

Successfully disconnect

  • User initiated

  • ASX initiated


Recover without message loss after an unexpected link disconnection while sending / receiving

Successful detection and management of duplicate output messages

Recover from loss (and subsequent restoration) of AMQP broker 



Session management successfully  achieved via closed user group

Successfully send / receive an ISO 20022 XML message




Establish secure FIX sessions using mutual TLS

Successfully maintain heartbeat

Successfully send / receive a FIX message

Successfully disconnect

  • User initiated

  • ASX initiated


Recover connection and continue session maintaining sequence numbers

Recover connection and start a new session, sequence numbers start from 1

Successful detection and management of duplicates at:

  • session level

  • business level, using business message identifiers

Successfully replay any combination of messages that we previously sent (within a session)

Technical accreditation does not require a software provider to performance-accredit their system.

As part of the industry-wide end-to-end test phase, ASX is planning to incorporate a level of performance testing to help all CHESS users operate under simulated volume scenarios. Further detail on the performance testing will be provided prior to the opening of ITE1 and ITE2 respectively.



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